UX Strategist / Product Owner
Solo case study for a fintech company
About the Assignment
As part of the interview process for a confidential company, I received a problem scenario and then I built a full case study with a user flow analysis on the mobile version of their product. The overall goal was to increase conversion. I looked at the metrics provided for each step of user flow and I identified UX inconsistencies that may contribute to the low conversion rate. I delivered my analysis with a 90-day plan as a Slidedeck that you would see in the following sections. Some parts of the UI have been redacted due to NDA.
The result was I got invited to the final round of interviews. According to the hiring manager (Director of Product) and the HR, I was their top candidate. However, the position has been closed without being filled.
Problem Scenario
A user searches for “Credit Report” on Google, proceeds to click on an ad, and then enters the flow. In order to see their credit, the user has to complete a 3-page form. Based on the data below,
What are your general observations of the funnel? What strategy would you direct the team to take to increase the overall conversion rate?

Project Overview
Responsive web- mobile version
48-hour assignment
Microsoft Excel
Adobe Illustrator