F[ACE]Spider : UI design for a facial recognition App
Project Description:
This project is the first UI design that I have ever done and it was for an online competetion by MindSumo. The task was to design an interface for a technical system admin who was testing out the flow/accuracy of this facial recognition algorithm. It was designed specifically for desktop dashboard concept screen .
Project Requirements:
The desktop screens should enable the user to:
See results
Review whether there is a face match
View cropped, zoomed photo with facial-nodes next to matched database photo
Improve the system and train the algorithm
Adjust or add bounding boxes, adjust or add facial nodes
Tell the algorithm when it is wrong (e.g. for use case B above, user could be presented with top 5 matches and % probability for each to select which is best).
Manage the application
Add, remove, and review entries from the reference database
Search the database and see recognition statistics about the face on the video (specific score with face detected on the screen)
Review video recordings related to specific face recognition events (rewind, playback, etc.)
Adjust settings such as: thresholds for flagging matches in live video etc. (for use case B)
The color scheme for the company's business is red, white, and blue.